Twitter WebSocket

Description: The Twitter WebSocket provides real-time updates whenever the CabalSpy Twitter bot posts a new insider trade detection. This stream delivers the mint address, token symbol, tweet text, posting timestamp, number of cabals involved, screenshot path, and tweet ID as soon as a tweet is published. It’s perfect for trading bots or applications needing instant notifications to act on market opportunities.

  • URL: ws:// – Connect to this WebSocket server to subscribe.
  • Authentication: No API Key required; the WebSocket is open to all subscribers.
  • Usage Cost: Free – No credits are deducted for maintaining a WebSocket connection or receiving messages.
  • Message Format: Returns a JSON object for each tweet, containing mint, token_symbol, tweet_text, posted_at, num_cabals, screenshot_path, and tweet_id.

Example Connection (JavaScript):

const ws = new WebSocket('ws://'); ws.onopen = () => { console.log('Connected to Twitter WebSocket'); }; ws.onmessage = (event) => { const tweet = JSON.parse(; console.log('New Tweet:', tweet); // Beispiel: Coin kaufen mit }; ws.onclose = () => { console.log('Disconnected from WebSocket'); };

Example Message:

{ "mint": "398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump", "token_symbol": "HOWARD", "tweet_text": "🔍 Insider Trade Detected - 6 Cabals detected for:\\n\\nToken: HOWARD\\nContract Address: 398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump\\n\\n@User1 has invested 5.00 SOL.\\n@User2 has invested 3.50 SOL.\\n\\nThis is a Automatic post from our Detection AI\\n\\nlook at the visualization of this token yourself on:\\n\\ntry out our tool yourself\\n\\n#HOWARD #AI #SOLANA #INSIDER #AUTOMATICPOST", "posted_at": "2025-02-27T10:00:00.000000", "num_cabals": 6, "screenshot_path": "screenshots/HOWARD_398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump.png", "tweet_id": "123456789" }

Test this WebSocket: Open your browser’s developer console (F12), paste the example code above, and watch for new messages as tweets are posted.