
Description: List the most active wallets based on their total number of trades, ranked in descending order by trade count. This endpoint helps identify key players and high-activity traders on Solana. You can limit the number of wallets returned to save usage points:

  • Required Parameter: `api_key` – Your unique API Key (e.g., `?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY`).
  • Optional Parameters:
    • ?limit=N – Limits the number of wallets returned (e.g., `?limit=3`). Default is 10.
  • Usage Cost: Each request deducts 10 usage points, regardless of the `limit` parameter.
  • Response Format: Returns a JSON array of wallet objects, each containing `wallet_address`, `name`, and `trade_count`, sorted by `trade_count` in descending order.

Example Request:

curl ""

Example Response:

[ { "wallet_address": "5TuiERc4X7EgZTxNmj8PHgzUAfNHZRLYHKp4DuiWevXv", "name": "TraderX", "trade_count": 50 } ]

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