Description: This endpoint returns a comprehensive list of all wallets tracked by CabalSpy, including their profile details such as name, wallet address, social media links (Telegram, Twitter), copytrade links, and profile images. It’s perfect for identifying influential traders or building wallet-based analytics for Solana projects. You can filter and limit results for precision.
- • Required Parameter: `api_key` – Your unique API Key (e.g., `?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY`).
- Optional Parameters:
– Limits the number of wallets returned (e.g., `?limit=5`). Default is 100, but you can set it to any value up to 100.?offset=N
– Skips the first N wallets for pagination (e.g., `?offset=100`).?name=NAME
– Filters wallets by name for partial matches (e.g., `?name=TraderX`).
- Usage Cost: Each request deducts 10 usage points, regardless of the `limit` parameter.
- Response Format: Returns a JSON array of wallet objects, each containing `id`, `name`, `wallet_address`, `telegram`, `twitter`, `copytrade_link`, and `image_url` fields, sorted by wallet ID or name if filtered.
Example Request:
curl ""
Example Response:
"id": 1,
"name": "TraderX",
"wallet_address": "5TuiERc4X7EgZTxNmj8PHgzUAfNHZRLYHKp4DuiWevXv",
"telegram": "t.me/TraderX",
"twitter": "twitter.com/TraderX",
"copytrade_link": "copytrade.com/TraderX",
"image_url": "https://example.com/traderx.jpg"