
Description: Retrieve a list of all tweets posted by the CabalSpy Twitter bot, containing insider trade detections. This endpoint provides access to the mint address, token symbol, tweet text, posting time, number of cabals involved, screenshot path, and tweet ID. Ideal for tracking recommended tokens and building trading bots.

  • Required Parameter: `api_key` – Your unique API Key (e.g., `?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY`).
  • Optional Parameters:
    • ?limit=N – Limits the number of posts returned (e.g., `?limit=10`). Default is 10, max is 100.
  • Usage Cost: Each request deducts 10 usage points.
  • Response Format: Returns a JSON array of tweet objects, each containing `mint`, `token_symbol`, `tweet_text`, `posted_at`, `num_cabals`, `screenshot_path`, and `tweet_id`, sorted by `posted_at` in descending order.

Example Request:

curl ""

Example Response:

[ { "mint": "398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump", "token_symbol": "HOWARD", "tweet_text": "🔍 Insider Trade Detected - 6 Cabals detected for:\n\nToken: HOWARD\nContract Address: 398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump\n\n@User1 has invested 5.00 SOL.\n@User2 has invested 3.50 SOL.\n\nThis is a Automatic post from our Detection AI\n\nlook at the visualization of this token yourself on: https://cabalspy.xyz/visualization.php?address=398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump\n\ntry out our tool yourself https://www.cabalspy.xyz\n\n#HOWARD #AI #SOLANA #INSIDER #AUTOMATICPOST", "posted_at": "2025-02-27 10:00:00", "num_cabals": 6, "screenshot_path": "screenshots/HOWARD_398ZstE63cRxGMCirourYZxi9czg4o8cESh6bszFpump.png", "tweet_id": "123456789" } ]

Test this Endpoint