
Description: Identify the most traded tokens on Solana, sorted by transaction count in descending order. This endpoint is great for spotting trending assets or market favorites. You can limit the number of tokens returned to save usage points:

  • Required Parameter: `api_key` – Your unique API Key (e.g., `?api_key=YOUR_API_KEY`).
  • Optional Parameters:
    • ?limit=N – Limits the number of tokens returned (e.g., `?limit=5`). Default is 5.
  • Usage Cost: Each request deducts 10 usage points, regardless of the `limit` parameter.
  • Response Format: Returns a JSON array of token objects, each containing `token_symbol`, `trade_count`, and `volume` (total SOL value), sorted by `trade_count` in descending order.

Example Request:

curl ""

Example Response:

[ { "token_symbol": "NOPE", "trade_count": 100, "volume": "500.25" } ]

Test this Endpoint